
Pauline Rowley Pauline Rowley

A Wonderful Concert!

£617 raised for Bolton and Bury Hospices at a wonderful choral concert at St Bartholomew’s Church
Saturday 29th June 2024.

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Pauline Rowley Pauline Rowley

Bolton Armed Forces Flag Raising

Mayor and Mayoress of Westhoughton, Cllrs Neil and Linda Maher attended the Raising of the Armed Forces Flag which represents the start of Armed Forces Week.

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Pauline Rowley Pauline Rowley

Blackrod Civic Service

Blackrod Town Council held its Civic Sunday Service at St Katharine’s Church on Sunday 19th May.

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Pauline Rowley Pauline Rowley

Public Notice

Information from Bolton Council regarding rights of way.

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Pauline Rowley Pauline Rowley

Deputy Mayor and Consort

Deputy Mayor Councillor Gillian Wroe presented Councillor Alison Jackson with the Deputy Mayor Consort Badge yesterday, Councillor Jackson will support the Deputy Mayor in 2024 - 2025.

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Pauline Rowley Pauline Rowley

Civic Sunday

Town Mayor Cllr Neil Maher pictured with Mayoress Cllr Linda Maher at St Bartholomew’s Church after the Civic Sunday Service on Sunday 12th May 2024.

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Pauline Rowley Pauline Rowley

Election Results

Result of Election of a Town Councillor for Westhoughton Central on Thursday 2 May 2024.

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