Careline Out Of Hours

Careline provides an alarm service which connects the user to the Careline monitoring centre.
If a Careline user ever needs help, they just press either alarm and are connected directly to the Careline monitoring centre. Staff will quickly contact a friend, neighbour or relative who can provide the help. If these people are not available a Careline mobile warden goes straight to the users’ home. If the very worst happens, Careline contacts the emergency services immediately.
A powerful microphone and transmitter in the telephone means that we can still hear and speak to the user even if they cannot get to the telephone.
Careline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Telephone: (01204) 335732 or (01204) 335733 or (01204) 335782

Carnegie Hall

The Carnegie Hall is situated in Library Street, Westhoughton and is reached via the library entrance, then either the lift or the stairs to the first floor. For availability and hire charges please telephone 01204 334301.

Social Care

If you face a sudden unexpected social care emergency please call: (01204) 337777.

Useful Contacts

Bolton Council Services

Missed bin on-line reporting tool on the Bolton Council website :

Report Fly tipping at Flytipping – Bolton Council

To Report Potholes, Road and Pavement Problems to Bolton Council go to Potholes, road and pavement problems – Bolton Council

To Report a Street Problem go to Report a street problem – Bolton Council

Out of Hours General Number

If you need to contact the council out of hours in the event of an emergency please call: (01204) 336900

Other Emergency Numbers

Greater Manchester Fire Service
Telephone: 0161 736 5866 for general enquiries. In an emergency you should dial 999

  • Greater Manchester Police
    Telephone: (0161) 872 5050 where police attendance is required, to report other incidents and for general enquiries. In an emergency you should dial 999

  • To Report Anti-Social Behaviour email

  • NHS 111
    If you think you need medical help right now, 111 online can tell you what to do next. Call 111 to speak to someone if you need to:

    • discuss complex medical problems

    • discuss worries about a long-term condition

    • get end-of-life care, or report a death

    • report child protection or vulnerable adult concerns

  • Transco
    For gas emergencies and reporting leaks telephone: (0800) 111 999.

Westhoughton Library

Westhoughton Library, Library Street, Westhoughton.  01942 634640

Opening Hours
Monday 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Saturday 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

A free dedicated computer is available for members of the public to e-mail Bolton Council Departments and to submit on-line Bolton Council benefits forms. Library staff will copy and submit evidence for Bolton Council Benefits. Other computers are available for use by members of the public to access the internet and for the submission of other forms ie: Universal Credit.